Alisho Dependable Insurance Agency

Alisho Dependable Insurance Agency is an independent insurance firm that was established in 2010, a pivotal year marked by significant economic challenges in the United States and worldwide. Despite the formidable hurdles presented by these circumstances, our founder Ali Mohammed, a dedicated entrepreneur with unwavering belief in oneself, the future, and a resolute can-do attitude, embarked on this venture at a time when numerous businesses were struggling to stay afloat.

Essential aspects of our agency include its establishment in 2010, and our enduring commitment to delivering exceptional services in property and casualty insurance policy processing. Our specialization is in property and casualty insurance products, and our valued customers appreciate the humane touch we infuse into our daily customer interactions.

Our mission

We're on a mission to serve our clients outstanding insurance policy processing services. Our goal is to match our client's needs with the right policy that covers their risk. At the same time, we represent the career that we sale their product responsibly.

Our vision

To have a safe community where everyone can easily find the insurance product for both their individual and business needs.